Reasons To See A Lakeview Dentist Before You Have A Problem

by | Aug 19, 2016 | Dentist

If you’re like almost every person in the world, you rarely think about your teeth, unless they hurt or feel sensitive to hot or cold foods. Many forget to brush or floss, or may not rinse out their mouths after meals. Likewise, they may avoid dentists like the plague because they’re embarrassed or don’t have a problem. However, it’s best to see your Lakeview dentist before a problem arises, since they’ll be able to help keep your mouth healthy and avoid severe problems, like gingivitis, tooth loss, and cavities.

Save Money

Yes, it seems strange to consider shelling out money for a cleaning and x-rays and talk about all the money you’ll save. However, if you wait and put off seeing a mouth-care professional, you could end up losing your teeth or requiring more expensive procedures later. It’s easier and less costly to pay for a few x-rays and get a cleaning twice a year than it would be to have a crown, bridge, root canal or something even more severe.


The primary reason to see a Lakeview dentist before problems arise is to prevent those problems. Tooth decay is one of the biggest causes of tooth pain and other problems, but it’s simple to avoid. Just cleaning and flossing isn’t enough, especially over time. Your mouth creates bacteria that can harden and turn to plaque. No one but a qualified professional can scrape all that gunk off and get your teeth looking and feeling healthy again.

Likewise, they can help prevent gum disease, recession, and tooth loss, making it an excellent alternative to waiting and paying more (and being in more pain).

A Lakeview dentist is the perfect way to avoid common tooth problems, such as gum disease and cavities. Visit SE Chicago Dentistry now to learn more.

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