How General Dentists Help With Wisdom Tooth Trouble

by | May 7, 2024 | Dental Solution

Wisdom teeth have been known to cause problems for many people. In fact, about 85 percent of adults need to have their wisdom teeth removed. This means in addition to teeth cleaning or filling a cavity; you’ll likely have to consult a general dentist in North Brunswick Township, NJ on your wisdom teeth, possibly leading to an extraction.

Problems with wisdom teeth can arise for several reasons. For example, wisdom teeth can partially break the gums and cause a gum flap to form over them. If food or bacteria get under the flap, it can cause swollen or painful gums. Also, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to inflection, a cyst, or damage to other teeth. A wisdom tooth may even poke out at a strange angle, perhaps facing backwards or forwards or to the side.

However, a general dentist may recommend extraction even if your wisdom teeth have not caused problems yet. If the position of your wisdom teeth has the potential to cause trouble, your dentist may advise an extraction or have you see an oral surgeon to further diagnose the problem. Removal is usually recommended because extraction is easier if you are younger. Waiting until you are older may lead to a tougher extraction and longer recovery time.

Wisdom tooth removal can take place at the dental office or an oral surgeon’s facilities. You will be made aware of what to expect. A local anesthetic will be used to numb pain while the surgery is in progress. Your general dentist in North Brunswick Township, NJ may also provide sedation for the surgery. Sedation dentistry is ideal for patients suffering from anxiety or phobias about surgery or dental work and will help you through the operation.

Getting your wisdom teeth taken out may seem unnerving, but the prevention of future health problems later in life is worth it. The skills of a general dentist in North Brunswick Township, NJ can lessen the anxiety of wisdom tooth removal and ease the road to recovery.

Visit Livy Dental for more information or follow them on Instagram.


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