What Can Patients Expect From a Dental Bridge in Panama City FL?

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Dentist

When a person is missing a tooth, they can find it impossible to smile with confidence. They may also find their surrounding teeth begin to shift and cause problems with alignment. Thankfully, the dentist has an option for taking care of missing teeth. With a Dental Bridge in Panama City FL, a person’s tooth can be replaced so their smile is made complete and their teeth stay in their proper positions.

For a dentist to provide a patient with a bridge, the patient will first need to come in to be fitted. The fitting process involves the dentist making impressions of the surrounding teeth so the bridge can be created in the dental lab. This allows for a precise fit so the new bridge will look perfectly natural in the patient’s mouth. Once the measurements and impressions have been sent to the lab, the dentist will have the patient come back in for phase two of their bridge work.

The dentist will first shape the two teeth that surround the missing tooth. This shaping process allows the two teeth to be able to properly fit inside the bridge so the bridge will close the gap and allow the smile to look complete. When the teeth are prepared, they are shaped much smaller and rounder. This helps to ensure the bridge will fit snuggly and precisely.

When the dentist has checked the bridge for a perfect fit, it will be adhered to the two surrounding teeth. The bridge consists of an artificial tooth surrounded by two crowns on either side. Once it is in place, it will blend in perfectly with the surrounding teeth so the smile looks as natural as possible. With care, a bridge can last up to twenty years.

If you are missing a tooth, you can find a replacement with a Dental Bridge in Panama City FL. If you would like to look at more info, visit Myfundentist.com. This site will give you full information on the many services that are offered by the dentist so you can make a sound decision on which treatments will benefit your smile’s health.

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